How to Compress your Win95 Registry Files by Roy Lehrer DESCRIPTION: ============ contains ver 3.0 of a procedure to compress Win95 registry files reguardless of their size, or the size of the key values within the registry. It overcomes the problem detailed in MS Knowledge Base article Q132064 and therefore works on those registry files that normally produce an error message or system hang when the "regedit/ c" command is used. The archive contains unformatted ascii text and Word7 files along with a copy of Q132064. Additional information and files included for eliminating MRU and History data from the registry. Also includes patch instructions to use ors2/Memphis regedit.exe on Win95. INCLUDED FILES: =============== README.TXT - This file SMALLREG.DOC - Word7 version of the procedure SMALLREG.TXT - Ascii text (unformated) version of the procedure SMALLBAC.BAT - Sample batch file to backup critical files SMALLREG.INF - Sample file to delete MRU's & Histories from the registry Q132064.TXT - Microsoft Knowledge Base Article on REGEDIT problem CHANGES: ======== Procedure steps clarified. Additional info added for multi-user systems and users of osr2 and Memphis REQUIREMENTS: ============ The ability to view a Word7 or Text file and follow instructions INSTALLATION: ============= None required SUPPORT: ======== Roy Lehrer CIS: 76534,1122 BUG REPORTS, SUGGESTIONS, ETC... ================================ Send me an e-mail and I will respond. KNOWN PROBLEMS ============== None